

We are provider of tax, and advisory services to technology based companies.



Tech firms have enormous opportunities as well as significant threats in a world that is more complicated, linked, and continuously changing. Our experience ensures you get practical, actionable advice to help you take advantage of opportunities, reduce risk, and compete globally. Our technology clients include software as a service (SaaS), software developers, data processors/hosts, tech-enabled business service companies, and early-stage/emerging companies.


Our tax services team will assess your operations and decide whether you qualify for a federal or state credit. These credits are transferable to future tax years and never expire. We provide guidance to assist you in proactively implementing the standards and accounting policies to balance risk, value, and cost. This lessens the burden of compliance on you.


Are you familiar with all the subtle differences between operating or earning money in several states? The regulations are intricate, and you can be forced to file in some states without even being aware of it. We’ll work with you to create a plan, and if necessary, carry out a Nexus Study, in order to reveal and document the proper filings for a company. We will also develop a road map to track any potential future changes to the filing requirements. We can also assist you in navigating sales and use tax filing requirements and creating taxability matrices for any services and goods you might buy for your suppliers and business partners in addition to the services you offer to your clients.

Have Questions?
We are here to help!

Contact us and our executive will get back to you as soon as possible!
